
Born and bred as a nerd, raised among dusty comic books, old cartoons and video games only the elders remember, Carlos Cuesta Dolz was destined to become a professional nerd.

In keeping with such a disperse (read eclectic) background, it was natural for him to develop his doodling (read talents) in as many fields as possible. From RPG and collectible card illustration to animation for feature films and history museums via concept art and art directing for video games, Carlos is greedy when it comes to finding new avenues for his nerdiness.

Take as needed for: cute animals, creepy monsters, action-packed animation, moderate 3D modeling and texturing.

(Almost) known for working with: Arpic Games, Madplay Games, Dekalabs, Evil Hat, Orciny Press, Pulp comics magazine, Rare Tales Studio, Inverge Studio, and also getting a “best webcomic” price from Subcultura back in 2010. The trophy is well kept and dusted every so often.